Cristina Benedita & Eva Tremel
Confronting communication. Listening, not only audition but kinesthetic. Tuning, relating the body in space. Dealing with limits, filtered through the 2-D screen or imagining, not looking at the screen, challenging what’s (in)visible. Different from making decisions based on sight, the body is a tool for in-vision, implying and challenging the primacy of vision. An on-going project started in 2016 between Portugal and Holland, a domestic streaming. Out of a 2-D communication, what to unroll? Some forms of 3-D points? More camera movements? Untwining images with several frames? Showing it to the world? Questioning private as public space-time-performance, reality is/are screens, phones, computers, continuing dealing with what’s there or not. Questions: (In)Visible connections? Away from known paths or towards them? Away from pleasing an audience or having fun? Our purpose in these immersion performative structures is to reinforce research “in-touch” with meaning.
PhD student of Communication and Arts at ICNOVA, with FCT scholarhip. Dance Graduated from ESD/Politecnics and ArtEZ/EDDC Holland. Further training of Vocal Movement Integration (Patricia Bardi), Voice&Body (Jorge Parente), Linklater (Francine Zerfas, Linda Segura), Singing (Maria João Serrão), Voice in Artistic Creation (Roy Hart). Studied theatre with João Mota, Marcia Haufrecth and Lume Teatro/Brasil. She investigates about presence, creation process, 'embodiment', body memory and emerging languages. She has taught Voice and Body at Évora University, Conservatório de Almada, Escola de Teatro de Cascais, Dance Companies, Professional Courses. Member of Iso Mamma – lullabies and improvisation (CESEM).
Independent dance artist. Practices, teaches and researches, for already 3 decades, a physical approach involving kinesthetic awareness to access multi-layer moving. Performing and creating site-specifc works in galleries, museums and public spaces. Her teaching targets professional and non-professional dancers of diverse abilities and ages. She is a staff member at ARTEZ – Arnhem, Netherlands, where she teaches Body Mind Inquiry. She also is involved in the project Arnhem – age friendly cultural city.